Leagues Information
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club plays every Saturday morning (with additional events being held many Fridays and Holidays) with tee times starting at 6:15 am. We make it very easy for you – just inform the Golf Shop when you want to play and we create the pairings and tee time. We offer fun, competitive, equitable events. You will fit right in whether you are a +2 or 36 handicap. Play in our Club Championship, Prestwick Classic, Individual & Team Match Play Championships. You must be a member (Charter, Preferred, or Season Pass Holder) to join the Men’s Club.
Women’s Club
Our Women’s Club has three leagues: The 18 hole league plays Tuesday morning, the 9 hole evening league plays Wednesday, and the 9 hole AM league plays alongside the Tuesday 18 hole league. This league has a lot to offer to both the competitive and social golfer. Our women’s club members often comment on how supportive the staff is “They make us feel welcome and are very appreciative of us playing.” Come be a part of our women’s league.
We have reached max capacity for the 2024 Wednesday night league. If you would like to get on the Wednesday night waitlist fill out the form and send it to the address on the bottom of the sheet. Please continue to send in registration for the Tuesday 9 & 18 hole!
Senior’s Club
This league has become very popular over the years and has now grown to nearly 400 members. Members enjoy the affordable, fun, well organized and competitive events that are held Monday or Tuesday and every Wednesday. Senior members are able to play Monday – Friday before 10:30 and weekends after 1:00 for discounted rates which include power cart rental.
Couple’s Club
What a great way to end the workweek and start the weekend. Meet new friends in a friendly social atmosphere. The play is from 4:00 – 6:00 on Saturday. We schedule special events during the year including cookouts and our Nine and Dine.
Junior’s League
This is a league for junior golfers (12-17) to come out and have an opportunity to meet and play with other junior golfers from the area. League play will begin June 7th. This will be a nine hole league and weekly reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. The Prestwick Junior Club membership is required ($53.58 after tax). There will be a $10 Green Fee for the league when they play! Junior members can play Mon-Thurs before 9:30am and after 4pm as well as Fri, Sat, Sun, after 4pm.